British Countryside

6 Items
These designs are all inspired by moments connecting with nature. When we do encounter a wild animal, or bird or even spend time just looking closely at a leaf or seed, time sort of stands still. The picture of the deer in the woody glade was a young deer that I met in a graveyard on the outskirts of Sheffield it was bathed in dappled sunlight and stared at me for a long long time. I teach yoga and am often coming back from classes late at night or leaving early in the morning and see a lot of foxes, so I had to choose a fox for this collection. I spend a lot of time in the Outer Hebrides and there is nothing better than spending time watching the seals that pop up and say hello, even better when they come and see you when you are having a swim in the sea! The medium I used for these designs is mainly pen and ink outline coloured with watercolour pencils.